The OECD-DAC High-Level Meeting 2020 is one of the crucial spaces where CSOs engage to promote our vision of multilateral cooperation underpinned by a people-centered development. This year’s HLM is scheduled on 10 November and will tackle issues under the following important themes:
Building Back Better: Mitigation of COVID-19 impact; and
Doing Development Better: ODA’s response to crises–financial flows, development effectiveness, DAC recommendation on the humanitarian-development-peace nexus, and PSEA.
As acknowledged in the Framework for Dialogue between the DAC and Civil Society Organisations, the CSOs, through the DAC-CSO Reference Group, occupy an observer status in the high-level and senior-level meetings.
Following the principle of CSO self-organization, the DAC-CSO Reference Group will observe its Selection Criteria and Process in nominating the two (2) CSO representatives (one Southern CSO and one Northern CSO). The selected CSOs will take part in the HLM to articulate our longstanding calls and positions related to emerging concerns, i.e., COVID-19 impacts and response.
If you are interested to vie for the role, please email Reileen at rdulay@realityofaid.org to know more about the selection process and criteria. The deadline for submitting nominations is not later than 4 September.