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Check the other sections of the website to find CSO statements and submissions  in specific thematic areas and engagements.

April 2024
Inflated and Distorted: preliminary 2023 Aid figures shows failure to address global challenges.
2021, July
CSO recommendations on ODA eligibility of spending related to Covid-19 vaccines
2021, June
Joint CSO policy recommendations for the DAC TWG on ODA eligibility of migration-related activities
2021, June
Letter to the Chair and Members of the DAC with regard to Recommendation on Enabling Civil Society
2021, May
CSO comments on the draft DAC Policy Instrument on Enabling Civil Society
2021, April
The COVID-19 pandemic and related crises call for higher levels of ODA
2020, October
CSO Thank You Letter: pre-HLM Dialogue
2020, September
ES_Mensajes de las OSC para la RAN del CAD 2020
2020, September
CSO Key Messages for the DAC HLM 2020
2020, April
Joint CSO Statement: COVID-19 calls for effective aid and development cooperation more than ever
2019, June
CSO comments on the Draft DAC Recommendation on Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, and Sexual Harassment in Development Co-operation and Humanitarian Assistance
2019, February
Joint civil society submission to the February 2019 Senior Level Meeting of the OECD Development Assistance Committee
2019, February
CSO Statement: Promoting Coherence Across the Humanitarian– Development–Peace Nexus
2019, February
Southern CSOs Statement on Promoting Coherence across the Humanitarian–Development–Peace Nexus
2019, January
Written comments from CSOs on the Draft Pillars of a DAC Instrument on Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Development Cooperation
2018, May
Room Document Submitted by CSOS Ahead of the DAC-CSO Dialogue
2017, October
Joint Civil Society Submission to the 2017 High Level Meeting of the OECD-DAC
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